Sunday, February 1, 2009


it won't take a genius to guess where i am going by the title. quick recap-finished nursing school, xmas/break, studied for boards, took boards, short break started work, started asu and now just currently in an odd time continuum of workworkwork then off. not that i am complaining i like having 5 days off in a row, i just have to get used to working the 36 hours in a row! and dealing with some of you people! let me tell you now, if you had any doubts that society is on the whole crazy, dumb, violent and manipulative, you are wrong! it is all that and more and i can't wait to see what my second week of work brings.... craziest stuff, hmm (cause i know some of you read this just for the gross stories, you know who you are are) a patient whose sole of their foot was looking upwards was interesting, like literally you could see the bottom of the foot looking down, get it? a peritonsillar abscess that almost occluded an airway- oh they have to take a scalpel and puncture that baby to drain it-thats the treatment with a load of antibiotics....can you imagine? i kept thinking if any of that crap drained down my throat after they punctured it i would have to kill someone. my favorite was the manic pt who thought it completely normal to jump into the pool with clothes on... oh and 'rents get your kids vaccinated please, it is not worth the alternatives. the good news, i have more time with the family, i love my job it is fun and entertaining, hannah loves that her mom is a nurse, and every once in awhile i actually help someone who really needs it and makes putting up with the crazies, worth it.

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