Monday, June 30, 2008


ahh. just the thought of the smell of home and hannah is enough to want me to race back even from the most beautiful of paradise. in this case it was oahu. beautiful piece of property, good friends and family which always make for good entertainment. got back late last night, and for those in attendance i wasn't kidding when i said don't call for about a week! it was a wonderful vacation with its fair share of family drama, dirty looks, exaggerated sighing, laziness, beautiful scenery, exotic fish (love the parrotfish i have to say) feeling fat in a bikini, "girth"tuous buffets, (enter fat in bikini again), crazy cab drivers and major generational gaps which always make for an adventurous nightlife. all in all i would say a success. oh except for the loss of one hundred bucks, headaches, head slamming, abcesses, alligator rashes that spread, back aches, periods, jellyfish, a near-death at hanauma bay, and several unfortunate event with beverages. but on the good side, well, it just makes you love your family more doesn't it? they sure can bring out the best and worst like no one else can. with that said, a good year till the next family vacay is plenty. jk! liz jkjkjkjkjkjkjkjkjkjk. i heard that a million times this trip. i may be off this weekend for another adventure with hubby and hannah, of then which i will be sick of them as well and all will be back to normal. ttfn


cuttypear said...

My Kaitlin,
A perfect description of a Wonderful & Loving family and friend (actually Liz is family she looks just like Kathy McCarten)vacation. Memories I will never forget. Thank you Honey in helping Dad plan a Perfect Paradise Vacation. Love Mom

cuttypear said...

We have failed to mention the Kayaking experience that Laurie and Pam enjoyed before Laurie lets everyone know I was the one who fell out of the kayak causing Laurie to fall in and thst episode goes on and on and on !!! eventually saved by tourists Oh but dont't worry Grandma had already notified lifegaurds and the story goes on and on