Wednesday, July 28, 2010


so i know its been awhile....
ill think about it later and possibly update this thing later when i am not so.. who are we kidding?
i just need to post and vent because its too early to call any friends and family.
547am: alarm to house goes off signaling there is a fire in the house. i run to the alarm (9 months pregnant) half crazed and dazed with sleep and blind not to mention. i scream hubby's name for him to come hurling around the corner half dressed. apparently the steam from the ridiculously long showers he takes set off the fire alarm, which in turn set off the house alarm.
550am: house phone rings from alarm company
551am: i try to go back to sleep and direct a startled daughter back to bed as well
551-605am: we stare at each other through the breaking dawn. i am already starting to sweat for the day.
607am: make coffee because what the hell else am i going to do!
610am: open door to get paper, bottom of the door catches my foot which is now cut and bleeding. i have to somehow lean over and clean and bandage my foot (9 months pregnant)
615am: tell daughter to feed the dogs and not play with the hose because its too early.
617am: try to feed the cat and the stupid little metal pull tab on the wet cat food breaks off in my hand.... debate whether to bother feeding cat or try again later.
625am: pour daughter a glass of apple juice in which some way i poured half the glass on the counter which is dripping off onto the cabinet onto my new wound dressing.... (huge sigh-i decide to leave it alone and let it dry versus bending over again)
630am: a soaking wet pug comes screaming through the house and i realize daughter has already chosen to ignore me for the day, the dogs are wet, the entire patio is wet, and i look down and see she is wearing her brand new school shoes which are... you guessed it
635am: sweating, mad and realizing i should go back to bed, i undress child and remove school shoes, walk in the house and drop them on the floor. mud goes everywhere. apparently the bottoms were covered.... almost in tears now i am cleaning mud off the floor and table.
i am still sweating, i am already exhausted, frustrated to the limit for a day oh yeah and its just